Two-day Wattathon - January 2018


On 27th and 28th January 2018 we will be hosting a Two-day Wattbike Charity Challenge. The nominated charity is the xxxxxx

The event will run from 9:00am to 6:00pm on each day.

There will be eighteen teams altogether (nine teams per day), and each team will consist of eight riders. Each team has a nominated Team Captain (see schedule below) and it is the captain's responsibility to fill in their slot in the schedule with the names/details of the eight riders, and to ensure that those riders are present and ready to go at the specified time (no pressure there then!).

Cost is £10 per rider, per hour. Payment will be taken on the day, at Registration.

*********** More blurb needed yaddd yadda re JustGiving page, timing logistics etc etc ************